Archive for the ‘Content Management System’ Category

Wordpress VulnerabilityA great number of people have the reasons to believe that WordPress ranks best as a web content manager as well as a blogging platform.

Indeed, the larger side of WordPress represents a great deal of benefits that its users get to enjoy. WordPress happens to be one of the easiest systems to use and above all it is free. In addition WordPress homes a great deal of features which would have otherwise claimed a great sum of dollars if it was for you to develop.

However, no matter how good WordPress might sound, just like any other thing, the system has its downside. The downside of WordPress is the problems that users are exposed to once they opt to use the system as a CMS. In this regard, it will be in the right order to familiarize with such problems. This will help you stay alert and do all you can to lay down necessary measures in effort to curb them. (more…)

Joomla vulnerabilityJoomla! one of the most powerful content management system with Open Source (Open Source CMS) on the planet. It is used all over the world for everything from simple websites to complex corporate applications. Joomla! easy to install, simple to manage, reliable.

Administer the site – is the management policies and procedures input, storage and output of data on the site. This can be data, graphics or tables. The data is entered in a special program (like another site within your site) which locates and stores your data. This program is called a content management system (the administrative module).

Working with the administrative module is performed remotely from any computer with access to the Internet. To operate the system enough to have a computer web-browser (the default is already installed on almost all computers.) Installation of any additional software components are required. (more…)

Drupal logoDrupal (from the Dutch. Druppel – drop) – Content Management System (CMS) written in PHP and uses as a repository content relational database (supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and any database supported library PEAR).

Drupal is a free software license GPL-protected and created by the efforts of enthusiasts from around the world. Began development Dutchman Dries Buytaert, which still is the leader of the project.

Drupal architecture allows it to build different types of sites – from blogs and forums to information archives and news sites. Functionality is provided by plugins that access common API Drupal. A standard set of modules includes, for example, features such as news feed, blog, forum, downloads, news collector, voting, and other search large number of additional modules, greatly extend the basic functionality can be downloaded from the official site. (more…)